What’s new?
Social media sites come and go, and that’s why we’ve put together a quick list of social media sites to check out in 2023.
As marketers, it is essential to monitor the growth of promising new social media channels, especially when marketing towards millennials. It makes apparent where your audience spends their time and can help you decide where to dedicate your time.
Suppose you join a new social media site early on; it will put you ahead of your competitors as you understand the type of content that works best on the platform before it explodes in popularity.
Across 2022, on average, there were over 4.62 billion active social media users across the globe, accounting for 58.4% of the world’s total population.
These growing numbers create plenty of opportunities to reach many engaged users outside popular social networking sites like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
Let’s look at a few social media sites you should check out in 2023. Will they be hits, or will they flop?
Founded by Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s founder and former CEO, Bluesky is pretty much just Twitter. If Elon Musk’s Twitter is Twitter 2.0. Bluesky is Twitter 3.0.

In their own words, WeAre8 is “a hate-free community that is built upon the idea that collective change and daily actions can make the world a better place.”
WeAre8 is more of an advertising platform than a social media network, where people are paid small amounts every time they watch an advertisement. Did you ever see that show Maniacs with Jonah Hill and Emma Stone? Yeah, it’s kind of like that.
Backed by Live Nation, Octi is a new social network jumping on the AR and NFT train. Designed to use AR to let users connect with people in real life, users can produce original videos and earn Octi coins, which allows users to shop online. The more engagement your videos drive, the more Octi coins you’ll make.

A social networking app with all your family, friends, and colleagues on it … So, what’s the catch?
HalloApp claims to be an ad-free network that doesn’t collect or use your personal information. Where have we heard that before?
Cynicism aside, HalloApp connects users via phone numbers, and chats are end-to-end encrypted, meaning no one else can read them (including the HalloApp team).
Say goodbye to waiting for people to reply. Honk is a real-time messaging app with no chat history or even a send button. That’s right, everything you say or read is typed in real-time.

Polywork describes itself as a “new kind of professional social network.” But what does that mean? Is it a cooler version of LinkedIn?
Polyworkallows users to create a free personal web page for sharing professional and personal work, collaborating with others, and more.

It’s super early days for Polywork, but it’s an idea worth watching.

“The Anti Selfie Selfie Club.”
Imagine if your friends were the paparazzi? Well, that’s kind of the idea behind Poparazzi.
Instead of uploading photos of yourself, Paparazzi is a photo-sharing app where friends upload photos of their friends. Don’t worry. You will receive a notification when a follower uploads a photo of you. You can remove any photos you don’t like, only followers can post directly to a profile, and all other photos need approval before posting.
It’s either the best or worst idea we’ve ever encountered, but only time will tell if Poparazzi ultimately fails or succeeds.