When it comes to destination marketing, powerful storytelling can transport people from tapping on their phones to places all over the world.
If you want to get the most out of your marketing strategy, it’s crucial that you spend some time and create your ideal customer persona.
In 2020 it has become integral to successful digital marketing strategies, with recent research finding Live videos perform better with Facebook’s algorithm and generate more engagement than pre-recorded videos.
Despite what you think of traditional media, it's still vital in building a personal brand.
So let’s get started with some helpful tips you might want to add into your strategy to drive sales using Instagram.
At one point in time, most of us have had to deal with that heart-stopping moment when sounds come blurring out of our phone and ruins whatever feeble attempt we were trying to make at being stealth.
One of the most common mistakes businesses make with customer personas is trying to encapsulate any and every potential customer to avoid leaving anyone behind.
When a mistake or ill-advised post triggers a social media backlash, ignoring or deleting the problem can prolong the crisis. Sometimes, the easiest way to diffuse a situation in social – and possibly even GAIN trust – is to admit when you get things wrong.
We’ve sourced the very best stats from the 2020 Yellow Social Media Report. The results show that we certainly love to use social media in WA!
If you haven’t discovered all the creativity, silliness, and opportunity that TikTok videos have to offer, it’s about time you got on board.