If you spend a bit of time online it’s likely you’ve had the feeling you’re being watched or followed at least once or twice.

Have you ever thought about how many dumb questions you’ve asked Google?

How are social media & IP connected? We take a look at what your IP is, how it fits with social media & who owns your IP when it comes to social content.

Carter Wilkerson is just your average American teenager, well at least he was up until about a month ago when he broke the record for most retweeted Tweet.

A collection of our favourite things said to social media managers.

Stop right there.  No, just no.

I want the highlights, but I can only pay for the trim.

As a digital marketer, you would have heard a lot of the web development and design industry jargon thrown around in meetings and agency offices.

Time to use another part of your brain.

In creating graphics for websites and social media platforms we need to be able to talk the lingo with designers so that we get the results we want.